Self-Mastery Webinar with Carolyn Eberle – Focus on Indigo Adults

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I recently discovered a great program called Secret Code by Carolyn Eberle at Mind Energy Body.

She has been studying energy work and energy healing for decades, including studying at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing (which is like the Harvard of Energy Healing), and so she has a level of expertise in the subject that would be valuable to the community here.

So I just wanted to give you a heads up that I have been chatting with her about doing a webinar with me for readers of The Indigo Adults.

Indigo adults and indigo children tend to be energetically sensitive and often have strong healing abilities, and so I thought she would be a good person to collaborate with. She has deep experience working with indigos and energetically sensitive individuals, as well as healers that assist others in their healing.

We have talked about doing a webinar together and will let you know the details when everything is solidified.

It will probably be in Mid-August.  🙂

~  Peace ~

Indigo Leslie

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