This is terminology that I have used to describe the experiences I have as an indigo adult.

There really isn’t a language for some of the experiences I’ve had, or a succinct way to say the things that I have perceived without creating my own personal label for it.

That’s ok, though, because that is how understanding starts.  That is how I can define things linguistically that really need to be experienced to be understood.  Many of the petunias (see below) I know understand the indigo child and indigo experience from a cerebral point of view, but have not gotten close to the experience of some of these energetically oriented experiences.

As you will see, I will continuous to add to this list as time goes along.

There are terms are very normal to my own vocabulary so I don’t think to add them until I use them in my writing or someone asks me to define a word I have used.

You will also notice that I make many, many pop culture references, especially to the Harry Potter books, which are my favorite.  Again, I do this so that the muggles (see below) and petunias have a frame of reference in their mind, even if they are not experiencing what I and other indigo adults are experiencing.



(noun) Just like in Harry Potter, the people in the non-magical/non-indigo world.  Well, they’re in the same world, but their framing of the world is all based in physical plane.  They do not acknowledge or relate to indigos or the experiences that indigos are having.  They consider the experiences of indigos to be signs of psychosis, immaturity and fantasy.


(noun)  A muggle (non-indigo) that is fascinated with the indigo/magical world. They might have a vast knowledge of how things work but they have not made the leap to experiential knowledge.  Many quantum physicists and philosophers fall into this category.  They know the rules of the game but they haven’t gotten on the court yet.  Ken Wilber is the classic example of a petunia.  This is another Harry Potter reference.  (HP7 spoiler) His Aunt Petunia desperately wanted to go to Hogwarts but was non-magical so didn’t get in; but Petunia’s sister Lily (Harry’s mom) did get in.


(verb)  “To tap”  The ability to connect with energies other than the ones that are part of one’s being.  I do not want to say that it is other than one’s being because we are all one, but not to make this too complicated, a being has a vibration and when one connects with other vibrations, whether it be other individuals, locations, times, objects, collective consciousnesses, ghosts, thoughforms, etc, they are doing what I call “tapping outside of themselves.”  Everyone does this to a certain extent, but empaths (a lot of indigo adults and children are empathic) do this a lot and to the extend that they cannot separate out what is their “stuff” and what is other’s “stuff” unless they have been trained to do so.

Please do not confuse my definition of “tapping” with common the new age term derived from Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) which involves lightly tapping certain acupuncture points to stimulate healing on the body. Works on the emotional, physical, mental, energetic planes.

X-Men Ability:

(noun) Different indigos have different abilities.  Some are empathic. Some are able to communicate with animals.  Some see ghosts and spirits.  Some are channels.  The list goes on an on.  Many indigo adults and children have a number of these abilities.  So when I meet an indigo I might ask, “What’s your X-Men ability?” presuming that s/he has seen this page of definitions.  Obviously this is a pop-culture reference to the popular comic book series X-men.


(noun)  A tent in the indigo adult context is a place where you are shielded from taking in outside thoughts.  This term refers to the tent that Harry and Hermoine used in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.  They were undetectable by deatheaters unless they said Voldemort’s name, which was cursed to reveal the location of anyone uttering the word.  In the indigo adult’s case, this would be akin to dwelling on a negative subject and evoking negative emotion within (and thereby potentially manifesting it.)  When one is in a tent, however, it is much less likely for an indigo adult to dwell on such thoughts.  The tendency is to automatically think positively in a tent.  One could also lose the protection of the tent temporarly if the indigo adult contacts (for me it’s by phone) an individual that directs negative thoughts toward them or is in contact with a person who is negative a majority of their waking time.

Uncle Vernon:

This Muggle is of the opposite opinion of a Petunia when it comes to indigo adults. There is strong distain for anyone who has access to these “mysterious” powers that indigo adults and children seem to have and for all topics that go along with these special abilities. Typically, the “don’t believe in it” until something goes wrong and then they are the first to point the finger at the one who has indigo traits and abilities.

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