The Ebb and Flow of Writing for The Indigo Adults

The one down side is that walking in this world with my indigo adult abilities turned off has made it more challenging to write for The Indigo Adults site.

But I’m doing my best, so please be patient with me if I take a little longer to construct my posts than I have in the past.

All things ebb and flow, and I’m am currently ebbing. 🙂

An Indigo Adult’s experience: My time in Sedona, Arizona (part 2)

My advice to Indigo Adults: I do not recommend moving to Sedona, AZ and if you try to move there and you are not meant to be there, ‘she’ WILL spit you out (after a year, I’m glad she spit me out, though I did question my spiritual/energetic purity when it happened). But DO visit. I think that would be the most beneficial and pleasant for you. Do your inner work there and enjoy it and then come back up to planet earth with the rest of us and get stuff done.

The Maitreya Project Heart Shrine Relic Tour is not just for Buddhists or Indigo Adults

Last night I was in Uptown Sedona at a public film event and a woman came up to me to say hi to my dog, Buddha. When she learned the name […]

The Maitreya Project Heart Shrine Relic Tour is not just for Buddhists or Indigo Adults

Last night I was in Uptown Sedona at a public film event and a woman came up to me to say hi to my dog, Buddha. When she learned the name […]

An Indigo Adult’s experience down the rabbit hole: My time in Sedona

Whenever I drive down Rt 89A to Sedona from Flagstaff, I always feel as though it is the closest thing on this planet to going down Alice in Wonderland’s rabbit hole to this weird size and shape-shifting world of Cheshire Cats and Mad Hatters (all of whom I can relate to as a very open indigo adult). 🙂