Earth Changes and Law of Attraction

Earth Changes, Global Stabilization and The Law of Attraction

Many of the successful political and social movements then step into love and the intention of manifesting a positive reality (even if not consciously using the Law of Attraction) and that ends up being the focus.

Self-Mastery Webinar with Carolyn Eberle – Focus on Indigo Adults

I recently discovered a great program called Secret Code by Carolyn Eberle at Mind Energy Body. She has been studying energy work and energy healing for decades, including studying at […]

Indigo Adults, Manifestation and Spiritual Abundance

And when I did get signs that I should leave, the power of the manifestation (by writing it daily) was stronger than my power to change things in the present, once I had seen and felt that it was a manifestation I didn’t want. I set it in stone by writing it every day and therefore could not change it.


Indigo Adults and Manifesting Holiday Gifts

My point is that this was a microcosm example/practice of the manifestation process that I attempt to use in my day to day life. Granted, it is a bit more challenging for life “stuff” because with life stuff there are emotions, attachment, doubts and hopes that tangle up the very clean experience of manifestation.