Two World Split Video

The Two World Split and Rainbow Bridge: A Video for Indigo Adults

You should also watch the video because it talks about the roll of StarSeeds and Indigos in the shift to a two world split and also includes some energy alignments and activations which in my energy body felt quite nice.

Self-Mastery Webinar with Carolyn Eberle – Focus on Indigo Adults

I recently discovered a great program called Secret Code by Carolyn Eberle at Mind Energy Body. She has been studying energy work and energy healing for decades, including studying at […]

Indigo Adult Geneology

I also have a theory that this gene shift could be that 3 generations of polluted individuals living since the beginning of the industrial age are having children with weakened the connection to the planet through a weakened physical system (from the pollution) but have compensated by having a higher ability and connection to the non-physical/energetic. (aka indigo adults)