Greens 8000 for Indigo Adults
The first product that I have been using pretty consistently with a positive experience is Greens 8000.
The first product that I have been using pretty consistently with a positive experience is Greens 8000.
just to remind all of you indigo adults and empaths out there that though food claims to be healthy, a lot of the time that’s a way of marketing to the segment of the population, but it’s not necessarily fully honest all the time.
So I would say that if you do use alcohol as an indigo adult, that you either drink in energetically safe surroundings (like at home alone, or with people that have good clean energy) or if you do go out and drink, as I did this Homecoming, to be sure to clear your energy and bubble before you sleep/pass out.
Actually, I credit that to why I felt so awesome this morning. Not only did I receive the clearing/unhooking effects of the alcohol from those that tend to hook in on a regular basis, but I also cleared all the crap that might have stuck to me walking around all day in the public in the inebriated state.
This is Part 3 of a 6 part series on Indigo Adults and substances.
Today we well be covering nicotine & smoking…
So, for indigo adults, coffee can be useful to balance their own body out in a collective that is more toxic. It will help you match the collective vibration better, which should be more comfortable for you, as long as the thoughts of the collective aren’t too dark.
While I find that eating raw food in Las Vegas makes me feel like I’m about to lift out of my body (ah… the psychic mind of an indigo adult), […]
I have just noticed that since I started this blog about indigo adults, I have been manifesting lots of indigo around me. That’s good, though, because one of the major ongoing […]