Free Gift from Mind Body Energy
Hey, here’s a gift from Carolyn Eberle (of Mind Body Energy), which was offered so that you can get a better feel for her and her work.
Hey, here’s a gift from Carolyn Eberle (of Mind Body Energy), which was offered so that you can get a better feel for her and her work.
Recommended Book for Indigo Adults: Earthing. This book explains why you will feel better after leaning against a tree for a while…
As I sat outside my house hugging a the giant oak on the front yard after my second Saturday of working at the mall, I wondered if the abuse to my energetic body was worth it.
I’m digging the Cayce Coin and I think it could help a lot of indigo adults in two ways. The first is that it will help people who have trouble grounding and don’t always want to be “on” with their abilities but can’t seem to turn them off (that’s me), but also it will help the general population by perhaps protecting individuals from illness on an energetic level.
A few weeks ago I proposed an experiment in Joy. Here is the Full Blog Post. Here were my results… I found that two things happened. One was that by […]