Ahhh synchronicity!
I love it!
I was going to write a post about solar flares and weather changes and just before I sat down to write it I got a comment requesting a post about solar flares!
Thanks for the comment… here are my thoughts…
First of all, to track solar flares you can go to spaceweather.com and sign up for their alerts. They will email you when there is a lot of solar flare activity so you can keep tabs on it and see how your system is reacting to the changes.
They even have a service where you can get a text to your phone, but you have to pay for that.
Yes, there has been strong solar activity lately. And I have been feeling different, but I thought that that was because of the new pendant I have been wearing and the grounding work I have been doing.
I had recently clipped this article about solar flares which I found on Cynthia Crawford’s website which I LOVE and visit from time to time.
Here’s what Cynthia’s article says about solar flares:
Solar flares can cause us to be nervous, anxiousness, worrisome, jittery, dizzy, shaky, irritable, lethargic, exhausted, have short term memory problems and heart palpitations, feel nauseous, queasy, and to have prolonged head pressure and headaches.
…they have a powerful effect on our physical cellular level, causing our cellular memories to awaken and clear. We often experience this as the body heating up in the form of “hot flashes.”
I actually have been feeling intensely energized, to the point where I feel a bit restless until I deliberately ground my energy and breathe more.
I also have been experiencing “hot flashes” but I also get those when I feel my friends in Las Vegas (which is very hot right now) think of me. The empath in me feels the heat they are experiencing.
But here is the part of the article that caught my eye:
Recently we are experiencing an intensive amount of solar activity on the Sun which is affecting both the Earth and Humans. Solar flares can affect the Central Nervous System, all brain activity, along with human behaviour and all psycho-physiological (mental-emotional-physical) response.
The reason that I found that interesting is because a few months ago I posted a video that mentioned that large populations of planet earth would experience a “disease” of the central nervous system (at 2 minutes and 30 seconds into the video) and that “the nervous system is the key to opening your ancient eyes and seeing. And for you to remember who you are, where you come from, and where you are going.”
The most profound shift I have had in the last few months is this feeling that everything is going to be ok and that over the last couple of years I have been feeling more and more that I actually DO want to be on this planet!
If someone had asked me 5 years ago about life on planet earth for me, I would have said that I ended up here by mistake and that I want to go home, into the non-physical.
But lately I’ve been feeling quite the opposite. Despite the discomfort of all of the planetary shifting and intense cosmic activities on my physical/energetic/emotion/mental body, I feel like I’m alright with staying around a while, if that is what is in store for me.
If not, that’s ok, too, but I feel more and more strongly that my presence here is part of holding the light and helping with shifting as many people to the light as possible (and to continue to work on myself) and that lately I have been embodying that truth more and more.
I know I always get all 2012/Mayan Calendar in my posts, but it’s always at the forefront of my mind, and not as a bad thing.
I feel like this is the time I have been waiting for for the entire time I’ve been on this planet (in this lifetime), and that I’m ready to do what needs to be done, regardless of outcome. I will make the choices that is in line with the highest planetary good and embody the most heart-centered and loving outcomes when it is time to do so.
And I feel that that this is also true for the indigo adults, light workers and healers that inhabit this planet.
So if you are feeling discomfort from the solar flares and other earth changes, remember to ground yourself (I play with my dog in a baseball field and sit on the grass and earth while doing so).
Also remember that the discomfort you are experiencing is actually showing that you are clearing heavier vibrations on a very deep level.
Well, at least that’s how it feels to me.
Do any other indigo adults or intuitive beings have any thoughts or experiences on the recent solar flares and cosmic shifting? What are you doing to help with any discomfort you are experiencing?
~ Peace ~
Indigo Leslie
it seems this is what is hapenning to me. thanks for posting.
again, thank you one more time for showing me that the way i feel has a reason beyond medical explanation (i thought i was getting depressed).
Yeah, it seems that the sun is becoming more active and this relates to the strange feelings that those that are sensitive have been having on this planet.
Here’s a good video that discusses solar flares and electromagnetic/energetic shifts (though the music is kind of annoying if you don’t like techno).
~ Peace ~
Indigo Leslie
I can relate to everything you say in this article! I have been experiencing the exact same feelings. I’ve also had some very serious nerve issues insomuch as I had to completely change my diet and go vegan. It’s worked for the most part, but lately I have been feeling the burning/tingling sensations in my arms and face again. Anyone else had this? Neurologists insist there is nothing wrong with me(I’ve seen two of the best in my city). Started practicing Dahn Yoga as well and that helps a great deal. Also detoxing too. Thank you for this awesome website!! 😀
I had tingling in my arms around July/August but I was on a detox diet that was probably a bit too severe.
Still, it might relate to the solar flares. I think they started to really take off around September.
Are things better now? How have you been feeling lately? I haven’t been checking the solar activity, but I can’t imagine that it has slowed down at all.
Physically, I have been feeling waves of nausea and this weird feeling that I just jumped out of my body for a fraction of a second and then slam back into my body. And then my feet throb. It’s super weird.
~ Peace ~
Indigo Leslie