
I have decided to start offering services associated with this site because I feel there is a need for individuals that are gifted in intuitive ability and that those with that ability should have the guidance of someone who is also working with extrasensory abilities. In my own life (until recently) I have found these services to be lacking online and in my community specifically for people that are initiatives and indigos.

Indigo Life Purpose Coaching

Are you someone with intuitive abilities that is drawn in many directions and not sure which one is your ideal life path? Or maybe you see everything around you that you could give your time and energy to, but you are not really strongly drawn into “The One” path that will keep you walking toward your ideal future.

Indigos are so gifted and the world needs your energy. And if you are not walking your true path you will feel it as a silent ache in your mind and body. Stagnation is painful and knowing your mission will inform you and the decisions that you make moving forward.

This life purpose coaching is a series of six, 45-minute coaching sessions that will get you to align with your deepest core beliefs and vision for the future and the life you wish to lead by clarifying what is important to you and fun/fulfilling to you. This will be the foundation upon which you will begin to build the life you want (and that wants you) and really put your energy out into the world in a healthy and constructive and powerful way.

“Know Your Purpose” Coaching Transformation – $300 for a series of 6 coaching sessions and a detailed workbook to help you through the process

*** If you sign up for this coaching it is important to know that you will have approximately 60 minutes of homework between sessions.

Indigo Alignment Energy Work

Have you ever put a lot of focused manifestation energy and real-life grit work into a goal or vision over and over again, only to have it fail to move forward each time?

We indigos are awesome manifestors, but on a more physical and human level, we sometimes have blockages in our energy field that can stop us from attaining our best and most laid-out plans because there is something in our field that is not allowing the desired energy into our lives.

We must be forgiving of ourselves because this is often a way of keeping ourselves safe on a spiritual or emotional or etherial level. Or, rather, it is perceived as safety, and sometimes it is, but sometimes it is simply an area of stuckness in our field that, once identified and cleared, will allow us to move and flow naturally into the vision we are seeing for our future.

The energy work I do can clear things like headaches, but can also lift blocks and get energy. moving in the energetic body that are stuck and that are blocking life from moving forward.

Alignment Energy Work – $65 per session

*** Sessions can be live or remote. They can be on Zoom or can be in person or remote without zoom. They are 45 minutes long.