PART 6 of 6: Indigo Adults and Substances – Hallucinogens

This is Part 6 of a 6 part series on Indigo Adults and substances.

Today we well be covering Hallucinogens…

First of all, I want to start by saying that all that I am about to say it though personal experience. There are lots of scientific experiments that cover the physical effects of nicotine, but I think you’d be hard pressed to find articles that cover the energetic effects.

This is probably going to be one of my shortest posts because of my lack of experience with the drug.

I have only done this twice and I feel like it blew me open psychically on a lot of different levels.

That is why there are so many spiritual ceremonies that revolve around the use of hallucinogens… They have the capacity to draw the user very consciously into other worlds.

But for indigo adults, I feel that like pot, hallucinogens are almost a wasted endeavor because we are already so open as it is.

The one exception would be if the hallucinogen was used in a sacred ceremony, with a guide that knows what s/he is doing… like the shamans that guide individuals through Iowaska experiences or Peyote journeys.

And still, I feel that that is treading on very shaky territory for an open indigo adult. The impact of these experiences do not go away once the high is over and it can be very jarring to ones life to be opened up before s/he is ready.

In my opinion, it is better to let your own opening take place in a natural way, rather than to force it with a hallucinogen.

What about muggles?

Well… because this type of drug opens the third eye and the crown, it might be useful for muggles to experience that. I think they really get a sense that they are part of and exist in all that is, and for that reason, moderate use of hallucinogens might be helpful.

But most of the time, this drug is not used in a constructive, spiritual way, and so the benefit that would come out of the experience is not really tapped.

It just ends up being a “really trippy” experience.

An unfortunate missed opportunity in my opinion.

Then again, you do get people like John Lennon, who probably transcended a lot because of his use of hallucinogens and marijuana… an probably in a “party like a rock star” atmosphere. So who can say…?


Indigo adults… my opinion is that it’s a bad idea. You’re already really open and we already trancent worlds in a lot of different ways… We don’t need hallucinogens to have that experience.

Muggles… Don’t know. Jury is still out on that one.

(This is the final post in the series, mainly because I don’t have any personal experience with anything else. I know there are a lot more substances out there, but I just don’t feel that I am the right person to write about them from an energetic point of view because I have – happily – not had any contact with other substances.)

So indigo adults… Have any words of wisdom you care to leave hear? I would love to hear your opinions/thoughts/experiences on this matter.

3 thoughts on “PART 6 of 6: Indigo Adults and Substances – Hallucinogens

    1. I have a friend that said 20 years ago that shrooms were (and I quote) “colon-blow for the emotions”, in that it can take a lot of the heavy stuff that people deal with (chronic stress, depression, PTSD, overactive mind, etc) and really clear that out. I don’t know if he meant for that to be done on a regular basis or with an objective/health issue in mind. I have never tried it so I cannot speak on it.

      Would the micro-dosing create any psychedelic effects? If it is anything like homeopathy, I would imagine it would not. Arsenicum Album (arsenic) is poison, but in homeopathy can help with food poisoning.

      1. Do you know what is so interesting about your comment?

        In a weird synchronicity, I just went to an event where I met a woman that makes teas with micro-doses of psilocybin.

        I have never used psilocybin in regular doses or in micro doses and I considered buying a bag but I seem to be really sensitive to everything and decided that it would be better to not.

        But the way she was describing the experience of a micro-dose is that it really “open you” and she would say this as she indicated her heart area.

        I got the impression that it would help with stress and with long term trauma. She said she does a micro-dose 2 times per week, I think, and that that is helping her a lot.

        That is the extent of my knowledge. I wish I could expand on this topic more.

        I sort of regret not trying it but I also didn’t want to be out of commission for the event or miss any days.

        ~ Peace ~

        Indigo Leslie

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