Part 2: “Freedom’s Just Another Word For Nothing Left to Lose”… Heavy Baggage or Happy Memories?

3D_Cat_Puzzle_Indigo_AdultsA few weeks ago I wrote about how indigo adults can find more freedom by freeing themselves of physical objects, as I recently did in Chicago.

To continue the story, I had just arrived at my parents house after unloading my own belongings in Chicago.

While this house might contain positive energy, the positive energy is suppressed because it has been clogged with stuff and clutter.

My parents acquire things but never let them go, so by deciding to stay with my family for a couple months, I have become keenly aware that there is a whole bunch of other stuff that is not mine that I have to deal with energetically.

There is a whole bunch of stuff that IS mine that I have decided needs to be loved or let go.

In Chicago, it was easy to let go of one-year-old furniture that I purchased KNOWING that I would release in a year. It’s the stuff that’s 20 year old… the toys, the love letters, the keepsakes… that is infinitely more challenging to make decisions about.

I have a theory that each object we posses can be summed up in one or two words that indicates what it represents to us and the energy it adds to our life. For example, there is the practical aspect of keeping a fleece jacket that was worn during high school, but if I remember how trapped I felt in high school during that time of my life when I pick it up, then the word is “trapped” and I will always feel that on an unconscious and energetic level as long as it is in my possession, and, being an empathic indigo adult, on a conscious level every time I put it on.

I really do have a fleece like this. I look great in it and didn’t make the conscious connection about the trapped feeling until I noticed that every time I put it on I would become upset, and then I’d be fine the moment I took it off.

Despite the energetic cleansing I’ve done, I still can’t wear it.

I have another fleece that is much more worn out that it says “reliability” and therefore is worth keeping in my life, despite a little wear and tear. It is always warm and matches everything and therefore I can rely on it. It is a positive connection for me.

Then there are the things that I find in my parent’s house that have stayed in the house for no reason. I’m not sure why I never let them go except that I have not had the opportunity to give them my attention.

Under the guest bed I found a cigar box filled with temporary tattoos that I collected from chewing gum packs when I was a kid. We would trade them in school. The one word I would use to sum up the tattoos would be “youth”. “Youth” is a tricky one to decide whether to get rid of it or not. A connection to our youth can be a positive connection. To an empath, it can even be an energetic connection to that time in one’s life. But it could also be a block toward moving forward.

I have decided to give the tattoos to my friend’s kids so that they can be enjoyed again.

Going back to the concept that each object can be represented by one word, I sometimes feel that each object is saying that word energetically over and over. That’s fine if you have 100 objects saying words like “love” and “gratitude”, but if you have 50 million objects it seems like 50 million voices shouting in an empath’s ear. Even if those shouts are “Love!” “Peace!” “Beauty!” “Read Me” there is only so much that one can focus on at one time.

With a house as full as my parents’, it can be a bit overwhelming to an empath.

And all of this energetic shouting can distract an individual from the direction he or she really wants to go. That’s a best case scenario, actually.

Worst case scenario is that the shouting drives one mad and blocks all love and light that wants to come in. I think of it as Edgar Allen Poe’s “Tell Tale Heart”, except instead of a heart, it’s hundreds of books, old toys, stacks of newspapers that date back to the 80’s, baby clothes and other items that are demanding the same loving attention they received decades years ago that eventually deafen out what present life is really about.

In the situation I am in now, the goal is to pick the special pieces out of the mess.

Some of my favorite pieces:
The electronic game “Trip Over Traps” which still challenges me to this day.
My Mickey Mouse bank.
The 3D cat puzzle that challenged both me and my parents when I was a child, and that makes me smile now when I look at it sitting on my shelf.

But even if it was not sitting on my shelf, I recognize the memories never leave. I could get rid of the cat puzzle.

Objects help us to connect and remember a little easier. So sometimes I am a bit torn about getting rid of things because something I didn’t appreciate five years ago might make me smile today.

But am I blocking an experience that will make me smile tomorrow by holding on to an object and experience that made me smile 15 years ago?

The ultimate goal is to have a living space where every object is a connection for something happy and positive and fulfilling. In my mind it’s a matter of quality, not quantity, but how much is too much when letting go?

I enjoy the nomadic life, so I’m happiest when I’m on the road with a couple of small bags and my dog. Do you think that’s too severe? Do you think that lots of happy things SHOULD be held on to, even if they aren’t adored on a regular basis? Does holding on to stuff that connects to happy memories offer grounding and something positive to focus on during times when life is bumpy and upsetting?

Any other indigo adults wrestle with the issue of stuff? I would love to hear your thoughts.

~ Peace ~

Indigo Leslie

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