The key phrase I have been hearing from a majority of the indigo adults I have met lately has been, “I am in transition.”
I agree that I am also in a transitory phase.
I perceive this as an effect of the 12/21/12 portal.
For me, life felt a lot better after February, though not much changed in my physical day-to-day world.
But there was a major shift in perception.
Since February, what I once perceived as a life filled with endless elements blocking my goal now looks like a life where the only block I have is the one I have set up for myself.
And that block is the block of indecision because I have TOO MANY WONDERFUL CHOICES!
And I cannot tell which is the most wonderful.
Ha! Sounds like a wonderful problem to have, huh?
But it is keeping me in a stagnant holding position right now. It’s not wholly unpleasant, but I am much more comfortable when I am on a mission or working towards a definite goal.
Before February, I perceived this non-directional feeling as a situation that was caused by a lack of choices, but once I shifted my perception in February, I realized that there are really too many choices in the universe that I am both interested in and want to pursue. And it seems like more and more just keep coming.
I have learned, though, that there is usually an immediate “Yes” feeling from the universe and within myself as I discover what the right mission is for me to do next.
If I do not wait for this “Yes” moment, I usually just create a lot of busy work for myself that peters out after a few weeks. I lose interest half-way through.
Perhaps this is a collective consciousness phase. There are many people, both indigo adults and non-indigos, who are asserting that they are in this “transitory phase”.
Indigo Adults and the “Yes” Moment
Has anyone else ever noticed this “Yes” moment?
If you have not, the next time you are in the midst of a decision, try asking the question, “What do I want?” (and “I” should be the emphasis in this question.)
This usually helps me because I see where I am making decisions based on the wants and needs of others and how that is getting tangled with my own decision-making.
For example, if someone asks me to a party and I am unclear on whether I want to go or I am not going because I really want to but because I feel like my friend wants me to, I usually don’t have a good outcome to going to that party.
Lately, I have wanted to say “Yes” to everything, and have wanted the experience from the bottom of my heart, but I haven’t had that “Yes” confirmation from the universe, so this question of, “What do I want?” or “What do I want most?” isn’t giving me a clear answer right now.
Are there any other indigo adults experiencing a transition phase? Do you think it something in the collective? Or do you think it is something as mundane as the economy? My social circle tends to consist of a lot of artists and freelancers, and those are two groups that always tend to be in transition. But even the professionals I know who have lives that haven’t changed in years seem to be looking at their lives and getting the feeling that a new phase is about to begin.
~ Peace ~
Indigo Leslie
HI Leslie –
Appreciate the detailed announcement on the home page, precisely delineating your (wonderful and pure) intentions for the site.
Transition. I fall into one of those always in transition categories, but am pondering the more generic question you pose. Like you, it seems there are (for a change) a myriad of exciting possibilities swirling about. They are as fragile as butterfly farts, so though they are there, I feel some nervousness as to their sustainability. A second book is soon to publish, a patent discussed in the first book is being considered as a citation in a prestigious journal article, and the Hope Now Project has its own crowd-funding campaign happening (not seeing action, but it is a taboo Inconvenient Truth…not expecting popularity).
So, yes, lots of doors are precariously open and that is indeed a new phenomenon for me. Overall, the human world is a house of cards getting ready to collapse…so it is hard to reconcile this duality. For me it is more an EVOLUTION. Perhaps that is what Indigos are experiencing, propelled by nearing the other side of the galactic plane and its different energies.
Have been wrestling for a long time (a substantial thread in the books) to evolve past some layers of suffering. For example, the suffering associated with the “loss” of loved ones. But now the evolution is finally being accomplished and I am rising to a new level. Part of the new level is a certain optimism that is tied to a true living resonance with the sea of awareness that makes up the Universe. It presents as a certain up-beat its-all good-because-I-get-it attitude.
Is it possible that as a group we are evolving to a new level, actually reaching it? That is my understanding.
Hello, Leslie,
I too feel as if I am in transition with many possibilities seemingly jumping up and screaming “pick me, pick me!” I feel blessed too have possibilities, but like the previous poster I feel like decision-making is not necessarily driven by what I truly want or need, but other influences. I feel like I have to be even more careful and thoughtful in my decisions. It also seems like this has become more apparent since March. Considering we have entered this new age, maybe it is part of something larger…perhaps all of us are in transition. Regardless what the case is, it is certainly an exciting, albeit somewhat anxiety-causing feeling!
Thanks for your post!
YES!!!! I completely agree!!! MY personal experience started about 6 months ago, though, I did have the “yes” thing going any ways. I always said yes to the people in my life. My ex-husband, my family members and my friends! My problems have been that I was not saying “yes” to my own goals, and dreams! Really, this time of transition for me started 3 years ago, when I stopped doing everything everybody else “thought” I should be doing,,,! So, I left my husband, and couch surfed for 2 and a half years, Healing myself, and receiving more “teachings. I moved across the county, being guided, here, to AZ. So, currently, I have put aside my Art…and am in the process of finishing the 2 books I started more then 10 years ago!!! I am still in the confused state at times, because, like you said, there are limitless possibilities and choices!!! We are only bound to our own limited “thoughts” I sometimes feel as though, I have gone crazy or something, but I KNOW this is part of the collective energies and am so connected, being an empath, I believe I am picking up on everyone else’s stuff. Anyways, I could write forever…so I will leave it as is.. LovePeace~Alicia
Hi Alicia,
Thanks for sharing.
I’m trying to get back to AZ…
I took a trip out there right after writing the post you commented on and I actually DID find clarity in the next week or so.
I can totally see my path… now I just have to focus on it, which can be challenging under the circumstances in which I am currently living.
I have been in the entertainment industry for a long while and it is a normal thing to help others with their productions, but I had gotten to the point where all I was doing was helping and I didn’t have time to work on my own projects (much less get to the point of asking for help), or I would get started and then pulled into another project for a friend.
So I just put an end to that. No free work. This feels harsh to me and I wouldn’t do it up until a few weeks ago because I really like working on film sets and helping friends but it felt like all around me was “take, take, take”… no giving back to help me or to even have acceptable work boundaries. Respectful work conditions are always a lot better on paying film sets. SO… No more free work.
And now I have clarity. And direction. It’s a nice feeling.
Perhaps I will see you in AZ. I’m aiming for Flagstaff because my dog likes the cold and I still have friends there. 🙂
~ Peace ~
Indigo Leslie
I have to agree 100 % its a transitional period. I feel like I’m on the opposite side of the spectrum from where I was at last year. I have been doing a lot of traveling and even though all of this has led me back home and I don’t have as great of a job as I did in the past year. I feel like my whole perspective on certain ethnic groups and life in general has made a major shift. What I wasn’t willing to except; or beliefs I wasn’t willing to let go of in the past is now nothing more than that. A past thought! I find myself being more open and excepting of peoples views and beliefs, without letting them lead me astray from what I want out of life or having to play chameleon to get along.