Indigo Adults! Join Nutopia NOW (if it suits you)

A very special man was born 69 years ago today…

… one of my personal heroes, John Lennon.

He was ahead of his time…

He held and put out many beliefs that are in line with much of what I see as the indigo adult philosophy of world peace.

I know that he was a strong influence on me, and my own beliefs that we are all one, even before I started to physically feel emphatically that we are all connected.

I want to honor him here today on this site with this post, and to link and inviting you to become a citizen of Nutopia, a conceptual world that John Lennon conceived.


“We announce the birth of a conceptual country, NUTOPIA.”
“Citizenship of this country can be obtained by declaration of your awareness of NUTOPIA.”
“NUTOPIA has no land, no boundaries, no passports, only people.”
“NUTOPIA has no laws other than cosmic.”
“All the people of NUTOPIA are ambassadors of the country.”

Pretty much boils it down to what is real.

For more information go to

Any indigo adults have thought they’d like to leave about Nutopia or John Lennon? Please write comments below…

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