Here’s another great link!
Last week I posted about John Lennon’s birthday, and found another link related to John and Yoko.
I LOVE this site and it has a really YUMMY energy. Yoko is so cool!
Anyway, scroll half way down the page and watch the video called ONOCHORD. This is awesome and also has yummy energy. I got goosebumps.
The one thing I didn’t like was the end of the video “War Is Over” above the ONOCHORD video.
The beginning was good, but when it gets to “Give Peace a Chance” and they are showing all of these images of pain and war (the opposite of the energy of the song and the site), the empath in me felt my energy shift in a not good direction.
I almost feel compelled to write to her and ask her to let me reedit the video to show images of peace, love, kindness, compassion, which would mesh so much better with the vibe of the site and what she is wanting to accomplish.
Still, you should watch “War is Over”… Just watch the beginning… skip the end when the song begins.