Indigo Adults and an Experiment in Joy!

A few months ago a friend let me borrow Kevin Trudeau’s Your Wish Is Your Command and I must say that I was drawn into the notes.

I know, I know… Kevin Trudeau has a shaky rep, and the 14 CDs contain a lot of repetition and often have him speaking very sloooowly.

However, I found the notes I wrote while listening to the program very insightful and it has inspired an experiment that I’d like to share with you.

Anyone who has studied Law of Attraction (LOA) knows that one of the important elements of that philosophy is to feel good.

I have in my notes some good ways of phrasing that intention from the Trudeau CDs.

The experiment is for one week – set one or several phrases below as your intention. Do not be attached to the outcome and know that the universe, God, Highest Self will get you there.

“I want to feel amazingly good!’

“I want to feel Blissfully Happy!”

“I want to feel Outrageously Happy!”

“I feel great and continue to feel better and better!”

If things come up for you, good or bad, deal with them, but continue keep one/some of the phrases in your mind.

The bare minimum would be to say the phrase a few times upon waking and a few times before going to bed.

I am also setting the intention here that everyone that participates (regardless of whether you leave feedback about your experiment) will sort of ‘ping’ off of each other. Like, one person’s elevated mood will ping to everyone else to help raise other people’s moods. I believe this would happen anyway, but it’s nice to acknowledge it here.

I will also set the intention that there will only be positive pinging amongst us.

I encourage other indigo adults and empaths leave comments about how this experiment is going for them. I’ve never tried this before with a group of people so deliberately.

~ Peace ~

Indigo Leslie

PS: Overall, I really did like the Trudeau CDs. If you have the money to buy them or can borrow them from a friend (or maybe your local library), I highly recommend them. There were some new theories on them, even for me… And I’ve been studying LOA for a very long time.

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