Self-Mastery Webinar with Carolyn Eberle – Focus on Indigo Adults

I recently discovered a great program called Secret Code by Carolyn Eberle at Mind Energy Body. She has been studying energy work and energy healing for decades, including studying at […]

Access Consciousness = Soul Retrieval?

Access Consciousness gives me these questions which I now ask myself as I walk my dog past places I used to walk when I was 10 years old. It is impossible for it not to evoke memories and thoughts from my childhood while at the same time asking the questions and giving me the clearing statements to help me to shift into non-judgement about all the things that happened in this town.

2012: Indigo Adult Mid-Year Review

I always anticipated 2012 as the checkpoint for me between my old-world heavy-burdened life and the new-world-energy of love and light. 2012 is when I get to start being who I truly am and am appreciated for the gifts that I bring to this planet. 2012 is the year that I don’t have to fit into a box that doesn’t suit me. And as this becomes true for me, this becomes true for other higher energetic individuals (indigo adults), and then finally the rest of the collective comes along as well (or at least those that want to come along).

Indigo Adults and Powerful Personal Vibration: An Exercise

I realized in this process that by doing this exercise my vibration – the one that I was deliberately creating through the goals exercises – were stronger than the vibrations of family, who I was before I started focusing on these goals, my own habitual tendencies to move into my old vibration (like turning around at the first sign of overwhelm and stress), etc…