Make a New Year’s Habit Not a New Year’s Resolution for 2017
If you substitute the word “new habit” for “resolution” you will have a year of positive change in a way that is doable and sustainable.
Activities, Projects and Areas of Interest that improve the world that relate to topics indigo adults are interested in like healthy environment, animals, food freedom, water rights, etc, but can also be related to energetic well being of the planet, such as meditation as a means to foster greater peace.
If you substitute the word “new habit” for “resolution” you will have a year of positive change in a way that is doable and sustainable.
What will you think on December 30th, 2017?
Go be the change you want to see in the world.” It is the only way it is going to get done. The government will follow once we get it started, but it requires a certain level of leadership and I am asking that of you.
I recently discovered a great program called Secret Code by Carolyn Eberle at Mind Energy Body. She has been studying energy work and energy healing for decades, including studying at […]
Since this site is about the energetic reality of things, and the indigo adults roll within that framework, I will frame the current election thusly.
I am actually (and surprisingly) abundant. It comes easily to me when in alignment with health and wellness of myself, Earth & communities everywhere.
Geoff Lawton’s website about Permaculture gardening, Bill Mollison’s books and methods that produce food, support soil heath and natural Earth Cycles.
Recommended Documentary for Indigo Adults: Blue Gold : World Water Wars, about water and the desertification of our planet.