2012 Signs or Are Movies Planetary Dreamboards?

Indigo-adults-world-peaceIn the midst of the chaos of Hurricane Sandy, the U.S. election and the violence going on between Israel/Palestine, I almost completely missed the fact that we are approximately five weeks away from the hypothesized last day of the Mayan Calendar.

I have already written extensively about this subject, and I still feel that my advice is valuable: how one sees and intends this transitory phase before it happens is how it is going to happen for that individual…

So think HAPPY THOUGHTS! Please!

I bring this up again because there have been a lot of moments in the last few weeks that make me think, “Hmmm… That seems a bit… apocalyptic!”

Granted, I am in an environment right now where the TV or radio is always on and is tuned to news about 70% of the time.

For someone like myself that is not used to that kind of bombardment, the broadcasts always make it sound like the Four Horsemen are about to gallop past my door.

But I’m pretty sure that Hurricane Sandy was not the typical broadcast hyperbole because I saw the damage with my own eyes. This was big.

So if we take Sandy as an example, everyone is experiencing this storm in different ways. My friends in Los Angeles were untouched by the event in a physical way. People in North Jersey sat in the dark for a week, but a majority were unscathed compared to what happened in South Jersey and New York. People in Hoboken waded through a couple feet sewage to get out of their homes. Then there are those in Long Island and Staten Island who not only lost homes, but lived without basic facilities like clean running water and electricity for weeks.

In noticing the capricious effects of the recent severe weather, it made me wonder, “How does one house stay standing while the neighbor’s is demolished? Does it have something to do with how someone is manifesting before the event occurs?”

One of the things I read over and over again on Twitter during the storm was, “This storm looks just like the first scene from that movie about the end of the world. The movie starts with New York flooding.”

At the risk of sounding like that guy that stands on busy street corners, yelling about how we should repent, perhaps it is time to look at our thoughts and creations as a collective and NOT manifest movies about wonderful, giant cities being destroyed by natural disasters. Or war. Or evil alien invasions.

Blockbuster movies are giant dreamboards for the consciousness of the collective planetary population. Don’t support such manifestings with your wallets and your attention.

Repentance is as easy as choosing a better thought. It really is. Even if in our day to day life it is not easy, we can still choose to some degree what things we choose to feed our brain.

Right now Bill O’Reilly is on the television downstairs, so I am up here writing, far away from the television and the mental junk food.

I’m very sure that many of us, as indigo adults, have been using our visions and intentions to create a happier world for all beings, but the way we get there as a collective will look different to each individual, based on the way the person is manifesting his or her future and the resistance he or she is putting forth.

There is a lot of downside to Hurricane Sandy. I’m not saying that there’s not and I pray for the well-being of those that were deeply affected by the storm on a constant basis.

But I feel that the world is headed toward a place of open hearts and open minds and well being for all. Devastation like this really creates moments for hearts to open, generosity to shine, communities to bond, etc. It creates the realization of what is truly important: Family, friends, loved ones and Mother Nature, who rules us all, no matter how sturdy we think our houses are. It makes us grateful for what we still have after the devastation, even if it is only our own beating heart.

Additionally, the December 21, 2012 date may or may not be a specific turning point but the thoughts leading up to that date by every person on the planet that has gave it attention will have some sort of effect on the planet itself.

So whether this is actually is a transition to the 5th dimension, or just the manifesting of the global population thinking, “Hmmm… Maybe this is the real one… 12/21/12 maybe is the last day of the world,” there is definitely an energy of ruckus in the air and my best advice is what I have been writing for years:

Pray for a gentle and peaceful transformation for yourself.
Pray for gentle and peaceful transformation for your loved ones.
Pray for gentle and peaceful transformation for the planet, mother nature and all of her inhabitants.

Because if it really is just planetary thought manifestations, then all the ruckus should fizzle out by 2013. But if it is a transition to the open-hearted 5th dimension that allows for planetary world peace, a healthy planet and well being for all, then there is no stopping it, so the best we can do is pray for the experience to be at peaceful and gentle, and possibly even pleasant.

~ Peace ~

Indigo Leslie

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