I totally didn’t realize this, but I booked a massage for 11/11/11 at 11am.
I didn’t realize it until I looked at the confirmation page! HA!
I think it is pretty funny because I’ve been oddly cynical about the whole 11-11-11 thing.
My cynicism was rooted in the idea that it isn’t a date that is particularly important because it’s based on the Gregorian calendar mixed up with new-age theory about 11’s.
Nothing astrological… Nothing etched in stone 5 thousand years ago…
Because there is a huge chunk of the population that is thinking that this will be a special day, and I am keenly aware of more than one planetary healing event that is taking place on that date world-wide, we, as a planet, have decided to make this date special and healing… which is GREAT!
And, of course, being the empath and indigo adult that I am, despite digging in my cynical heels on this one, I still fell in line by choosing to go for a personal healing massage, which is also planetary healing because a personal healing always heals those around you as well.
So my advice for November 11, 2011 is to do something nice and healing for yourself, even if it’s just buying a special piece of fruit for yourself and eating it fully consciously and sensuously.
Also, if it feels right, jump into a local event that is focusing love and healing toward planet Earth and its inhabitants.
Here’s one I like… Can’t make it down to Florida, but they are doing a free broadcast from Florida starting at 9:30pm E.S.T.
So you can join in on the event via the web… FOR FREE!
My energy goes where my thoughts go, so I think it will be very easy to connect with that energy, especially for indigo adults!
Feel ya there!
By the way, if you do join the One Breath event, you need to watch two videos to learn “9Breath” method before the event. The information is on the linked page (above) – scroll down to see the videos.
Even if you are not going to the event, it is worth your time to watch the videos. The 9Breath exercise feels great and you don’t need to sign up to watch.
Also, I have nothing to do with the organization and make no money by promoting this. I just thought it looked cool.
~ Peace ~
Indigo Leslie